Source code for mofchecker.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Helper functions for the MOFChecker"""
import warnings

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pymatgen
from pymatgen.core import Molecule, Structure
from import CifWriter
from scipy import sparse

from .definitions import COVALENT_RADII, METALS, VDW_RADII

_COVALENT_RADII_MEDIAN = np.median(list(COVALENT_RADII.values()))
_VDW_RADII_MEDIAN = np.median(list(VDW_RADII.values()))

def _get_vdw_radius(element):
        radius = VDW_RADII[element]

    except KeyError:
        radius = _VDW_RADII_MEDIAN
            f"Van-der-Waals radius for {element} unknown. Using median {radius:.2f}."
    return radius

def _vdw_radius_neighbors(structure, site_index, tolerance: float = 1.5):
    elem = str(structure[site_index].specie)
    radius = _get_vdw_radius(elem)
    return structure.get_neighbors(structure[site_index], tolerance * radius)

def _get_covalent_radius(element):
        radius = COVALENT_RADII[element]

    except KeyError:
        radius = _COVALENT_RADII_MEDIAN
            f"Covalent radius for {element} unknown. Using median {radius:.2f}."
    return radius

def _is_any_neighbor_metal(neighbors):
    for neighbor in neighbors:
        if is_metal(
            return True

    return False

def _check_metal_coordination(site, coordination_number: int) -> bool:
    # Lanthanides like to have many neighbors
    # Low coordinatio number is usually only
    # possible with really bulky ligands
    # for this reason, a Lanthanide with low
    # coordination number, e.g., <= 4 can be considered "interesting"
    if (
        or (site.specie.is_actinoid)
        or (site.specie.symbol in ("Mo", "Cr", "Hf", "Mb"))
        if coordination_number <= 4:
            return True

    # Also for the alkaline/alkaline earth metals,
    # I would find a low coordination number surprising
    # elif site.specie.is_alkali or site.specie.is_alkaline:
    #     if coordination_number <= 4:
    #         return True

    return False

def _maximum_angle(angle):
    diff_to_180 = np.abs(180 - angle)
    return max([angle, diff_to_180])

[docs]def get_charges(structure: Structure): """Compute EqEq charges for a pymatgen structure""" try: from openbabel import pybel # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel cif_structure = str(CifWriter(structure)) mol = pybel.readstring("cif", cif_structure) mol.calccharges("eqeq") charges = [a.partialcharge for a in mol] return charges except ImportError: return None except Exception as execp: # pylint:disable=broad-except warnings.warn(f"Exception occured during the charge calculation {execp}") return None
def _guess_underbound_nitrogen_cn3( structure: Structure, site_index: int, neighbors: list, tolerance: int = 10 ) -> bool: """Check if there is a nitrogen with three neighbors that likely misses some coordination. Args: structure (Structure): pymatgen Structure object site_index (int): index of the central site that is check neighbors (list): list of neighboring sites tolerance (int, optional): Tolerance for angle checks in degree. Defaults to 10. Returns: bool: True if the nitrogen is likely missing some coordination partner """ angle_a = structure.get_angle(site_index, neighbors[0].index, neighbors[1].index) angle_b = structure.get_angle(site_index, neighbors[0].index, neighbors[2].index) angle_c = structure.get_angle(site_index, neighbors[1].index, neighbors[2].index) min_angle = np.min([angle_a, angle_b, angle_c]) any_metal = False for neighbor in neighbors: if is_metal( any_metal = True num_h = 0 for neighbor in neighbors: if str( == "H": num_h += 1 if min_angle + tolerance < 110: # let's only do this if one of the neighbors is a metal. # sometimes the M-N bond is so long that it isn't correctly recognized # obviously, this now won't detect missing H on a floating NH3 # but this is probably a rare situation if any_metal and (num_h == 2): return True return False def _guess_underbound_nitrogen_cn2( # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments structure: Structure, site_index: int, neighbors: list, connected_sites_a: list, connected_sites_b: list, tolerance: int = 10, ) -> bool: """Check if there is a nitrogen with CN 2 that probably misses some coordination. Args: structure (Structure): pymatgen Structure object site_index (int): Index of the site on which the check is performed neighbors (list): List of neighboring sites connected_sites_a (list): List of neighbor sites for first neighbor connected_sites_b (list): List of neighbor sites for second neighbor tolerance (int, optional): Tolerance for angle checks in degree. Defaults to 10. Returns: bool: True if there is a nitrogen that likely misses some coordination. """ angle = structure.get_angle(site_index, neighbors[0].index, neighbors[1].index) neighbor_species = set( [str(neighbors[0].site.specie), str(neighbors[1].site.specie)] ) if (np.abs(180 - angle) < tolerance) or (np.abs(0 - angle) < tolerance): # sp hybridization if the nitrogen is linear # this could be a nitride or a nitrosyl # usually, there is nothing to worry about if this is the case return False if angle < 115: # typically angle around 109.5 degree for sp3 hybridization # if we only have two neighbors but the nitrogen is likely # sp3 this is suspicious # to be sure we will check if it is planar (pyridine) or # not (piperazine) in the case the two neighbors are carbon # if neighbor_species == set(["C", "C"]): dihedral_a = structure.get_dihedral( site_index, neighbors[0].index, neighbors[1].index, connected_sites_a[0].index, ) dihedral_b = structure.get_dihedral( site_index, neighbors[0].index, neighbors[1].index, connected_sites_b[0].index, ) mean_dihedral = np.mean([dihedral_a, dihedral_b]) if (np.abs(mean_dihedral - 180) < tolerance) or ( np.abs(mean_dihedral - 0) < tolerance ): return False return True # larger angles should indicate sp2 hybridization # one case where MOFs might have an issue with sp2 # is an NH2 group planar to the ring where one H is missing # the heuristic we use to catch this is if one of the neighbors # is H if "H" in neighbor_species: return True return False
[docs]class LowCoordinationNumber(KeyError): """Error for low coordination number"""
[docs]class HighCoordinationNumber(KeyError): """Error for high coordination number"""
[docs]class NoOpenDefined(KeyError): """Error in case the open check is not defined for this coordination numberF"""
[docs]class NoMetal(KeyError): """Error in case there is no metal in structure"""
[docs]def compute_overlap_matrix( distance_matrix: np.array, allatomtypes: list, tolerance: float = 1.0 ): """ Find atomic overlap based on pairwise distance and Covalent radii. Criterion: if dist < min (CovR_1,CovR_2) -> overlap (this function is used in molsimplify) """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("once") # only warn once for missing radius data overlap_matrix = np.zeros(distance_matrix.shape) for i, elem_1 in enumerate(allatomtypes[:-1]): for j, elem_2 in enumerate(allatomtypes[i + 1 :]): dist = distance_matrix[i, i + j + 1] # check for atomic overlap: if dist < tolerance * min( _get_covalent_radius(elem_1), _get_covalent_radius(elem_2) ): overlap_matrix[i, i + j + 1] = 1 overlap_matrix[i + j + 1, i] = 1 return sparse.csr_matrix(overlap_matrix)
[docs]def get_overlaps(s: Structure) -> list: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Find overlapping atoms in a structure.""" distance_matrix = s.distance_matrix atomtypes = [str(species) for species in s.species] overlap_matrix = compute_overlap_matrix(distance_matrix, atomtypes) overlap_atoms = [] for atom in set(sparse.find(overlap_matrix)[0]): overlap_atoms.append(atom.item()) return overlap_atoms
[docs]def get_subgraphs_as_molecules_all( structure_graph: pymatgen.analysis.graphs.StructureGraph, ): """Copied from and removed the duplicate check Args: structure_graph ( pymatgen.analysis.graphs.StructureGraph): Structuregraph Returns: List: list of molecules """ # creating a supercell is an easy way to extract # molecules (and not, e.g., layers of a 2D crystal) # without adding extra logic supercell_sg = structure_graph * (3, 3, 3) # make undirected to find connected subgraphs supercell_sg.graph = nx.Graph(supercell_sg.graph) # find subgraphs all_subgraphs = [ supercell_sg.graph.subgraph(c) for c in nx.connected_components(supercell_sg.graph) ] # discount subgraphs that lie across *supercell* boundaries # these will subgraphs representing crystals molecule_subgraphs = [] for subgraph in all_subgraphs: intersects_boundary = any( (d["to_jimage"] != (0, 0, 0) for u, v, d in subgraph.edges(data=True)) ) if not intersects_boundary: molecule_subgraphs.append(nx.MultiDiGraph(subgraph)) # add specie names to graph to be able to test for isomorphism for subgraph in molecule_subgraphs: for node in subgraph: subgraph.add_node(node, specie=str(supercell_sg.structure[node].specie)) # get Molecule objects for each subgraph molecules = [] for subgraph in molecule_subgraphs: coords = [supercell_sg.structure[n].coords for n in subgraph.nodes()] species = [supercell_sg.structure[n].specie for n in subgraph.nodes()] molecule = Molecule(species, coords) # shift so origin is at center of mass molecule = molecule.get_centered_molecule() molecules.append(molecule) return molecules
def _check_if_ordered(structure): if not structure.is_ordered: raise NotImplementedError( "Support of unordered structures with partial occupancies \ is not implemented (yet)." )
[docs]def is_metal(site: pymatgen.core.Site) -> bool: """according to conquest help: transition metal, lanthanide, actinide, or Al, Ga, In, Tl, Ge, Sn, Pb, Sb, Bi, Po""" if str(site.specie) in METALS: return True return False